Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners

By: Oliver Theobald

Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners: A Plain English Introduction



A key characteristic of machine learning is the concept of self-learning. This refers to the application of statistical modeling to detect patterns and improve performance based on data and empirical information; all without direct programming commands.

By decoding complex patterns in the input data, the model uses machine learning to find connections without human help.

Another distinct feature of machine learning is the ability to improve predictions based on experience.

Machine learning, on the other hand, emphasizes exposure to data as a way to refine the model, adjust weak assumptions, and respond appropriately to unique data points

Training & Test Data

#training_data the initial reserve of data used to develop the model.

After you have developed a model based on patterns extracted from the training data and you are satisfied with the accuracy of its predictions, you can test the model on the remaining data, known as the test data.

The Anatomy of Machine Learning

Machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence, and computer programming all fall under the umbrella of computer science,

Technique Input known Output known Methodology
Data Mining Analyzes inputs to generate an unknown output
Supervised Learning Analyzes combination of known inputs and outputs to predict future outputs based on new input data
Unsupervised Learning Analyzes inputs to generate an output. Algorithms may differ from data mining
Reinforcement Learning Randomly trials a high number of input variables to produce a desired output


Supervised Learning

#Supervised_learning imitates our own ability to extract patterns from known examples and use that extracted insight to engineer a repeatable outcome.

------ Input-- Input--- Input- Output-
Brand Mileage Year Price
Car 1 Lexus 51715 2012 15985
Car 2 Lexus 7980 2013 19600
Car 3 Lexus 82497 2012 14095
Car 4 Lexus 85199 2011 12490
Car 5 Audi 62948 2008 13985

With access to the selling price of other similar cars, the supervised learning model can work backward to determine the relationship between a car’s value (output) and its characteristics (input). The input features of your own car can then be inputted into the model to generate a price prediction.

When building a supervised learning model, each item (i.e. car, product, customer) must have labeled input and output values—known in data science as a #labeled_dataset

#Common_algorithms used in supervised learning include:

Unsupervised Learning

#Unsupervised_learning: the output variables are unlabeled, and combinations of input and output variables aren’t known.

Unsupervised learning instead focuses on analyzing relationships between input variables and uncovering hidden patterns that can be extracted to create new labels regarding possible outputs.

Unsupervised learning is especially compelling in the domain of fraud detection—where the most dangerous attacks are those yet to be classified.

One interesting example is DataVisor; a company that has built its business model on unsupervised learning. Founded in 2013 in California, DataVisor protects customers from fraudulent online activities, including spam, fake reviews, fake app installs, and fraudulent transactions.

The drawback, though, of using unsupervised learning is that because the dataset is unlabeled, there aren’t any known output observations to check and validate the model, and predictions are therefore more subjective than those coming from supervised learning.

Semi-supervised Learning

Used for datasets that contain a mix of labeled and unlabeled cases.

One technique is to build the initial model using the labeled cases (supervised learning) and then use the same model to label the remaining cases (that are unlabeled) in the dataset.

Reinforcement Learning

The goal of reinforcement learning is to achieve a specific goal (output) by randomly trialing a vast number of possible input combinations and grading their performance.


A specific algorithmic example of reinforcement learning

A more comprehensive explanation of reinforcement learning and Q-learning using the Pac-Man case study


Standard Toolbox

Compartment 1: Data

As a beginner, it’s best to start with (analyzing) structured data. This means that the data is defined, organized, and labeled in a table, as shown in Table 3.

Images, videos, email messages, and audio recordings are examples of unstructured data as they don’t fit into the organized structure of rows and columns.

Contained in each column is a feature. A #feature is also known as a variable, a dimension or an attribute

Scatterplots, including 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D plots, are also packed into the first compartment of the toolbox with the data.

Compartment 2: Infrastructure

Platforms and tools for processing data: Jupyter Notebook, machine learning libraries, including NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn, server. In addition, you may need specialized libraries for data visualization such as Seaborn and Matplotlib, or a standalone software program like Tableau,

Compartment 3: Algorithms

You can find hundreds of interesting datasets in CSV format from

Beginners typically start out using simple supervised learning algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and k-nearest neighbors. Beginners are also likely to apply unsupervised learning in the form of k-means clustering and descending dimension algorithms.


The visual story conveyed through graphs, scatterplots, heatmaps, box plots, and the representation of numbers as shapes make for quick and easy storytelling.

The Advanced Toolbox

Beginners work with small datasets that are easy to handle and downloaded directly to one’s desktop as a simple CSV file. Advanced users, though, will be eager to tackle massive datasets, well in the vicinity of big data.

Compartment 1: Big Data

Big data is also less likely to fit into standard rows and columns and may contain numerous data types, such as structured data and a range of unstructured data, i.e. images, videos, email messages, and audio files.

Compartment 2: Infrastructure

In 2009, Andrew Ng and a team at Stanford University made a discovery to link inexpensive GPU clusters to run neural networks consisting of hundreds of millions of connected nodes.

TensorFlow is only compatible with the Nvidia GPU card.

Compartment 3: Advanced Algorithms

While Scikit-learn offers a range of popular shallow algorithms, TensorFlow is the machine learning library of choice for deep learning/neural networks.

Written in Python, Keras is an open-source deep learning library that runs on top of TensorFlow, Theano, and other frameworks, which allows users to perform fast experimentation in fewer lines of code.

It is, however, less flexible in comparison to TensorFlow and other libraries.

Developers, therefore, will sometimes utilize Keras to validate their decision model before switching to TensorFlow to build a more customized model.


Datasets need upfront cleaning and human manipulation before they’re ready for consumption.

Feature Selection

#feature_selection identify which variables are most relevant to your hypothesis or objective.

Let’s say our goal is to identify variables that contribute to a language becoming endangered.

For instance, we can remove individual product names and replace the eight product items with fewer categories or subtypes.

The downside to this transformation is that we have less information about the relationships between specific products.

Row Compression

In addition to feature selection, you may need to reduce the number of rows

Non-numeric and categorical row values can be problematic to merge while preserving the true value of the original data. Also, row compression is usually less attainable than feature compression and especially for datasets with a high number of features.

One-hot Encoding

You next want to look for text-based values that can be converted into numbers.

Most algorithms are not compatible with non-numeric data.

#one-hot_encoding: transforms values into binary form

Using one-hot encoding, the dataset has expanded to five columns, and we have created three new features from the original feature


(also called #bucketing)

#binning: used for converting continuous numeric values into multiple binary features called bins or buckets according to their range of values.

Let’s take house price evaluation as an example. The exact measurements of a tennis court might not matter much when evaluating house property prices;


#normalization and standardization help to improve model accuracy when used with the right algorithm.

The former (normalization) rescales the range of values for a given feature into a set range with a prescribed minimum and maximum, such as [0, 1] or [−1, 1].

This technique helps to normalize the variance among the dataset’s features which may otherwise be exaggerated by another factor.

Normalization, however, usually isn’t recommended for rescaling features with an extreme range as the normalized range is too narrow to emphasize extremely high or low feature values.


#standardization: This technique converts unit variance to a standard normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation (σ) of one.

Standardization is generally more effective than normalization when the variability of the feature reflects a bell-curve shape of normal distribution and is often used in unsupervised learning.

Standardization is generally recommended when preparing data for support vector machines (SVM), principal component analysis (PCA), and k-nearest neighbors (k-NN).

Missing Data

Missing values in your dataset can be equally frustrating and interfere with your analysis and the model’s predictions. There are, however, strategies to minimize the negative impact of missing data.

One approach is to approximate missing values using the mode value. This works best with categorical and binary variable types, such as one to five-star rating systems and positive/negative drug tests respectively.

The second approach is to approximate missing values using the median value. This works best with continuous variables, which have an infinite number of possible values, such as house prices.

As a last resort, rows with missing values can be removed altogether. The obvious downside to this approach is having less data to analyze and potentially less comprehensive insight.


After cleaning your dataset, the next job is to split the data into two segments for training and testing, also known as #split_validation.

Usually 70/30 or 80/20.

Before you split your data, it’s essential that you randomize the row order. This helps to avoid bias in your model.

After randomizing the data, you can begin to design your model and apply it to the training data.

The next step is to measure how well the model performed.

Four examples of performance metrics used with classification tasks

Mean absolute error and root mean square error (RMSE) are commonly used to assess models that provide a numeric output

Using Scikit-learn, mean absolute error is found by inputting the X values from the training data into the model and generating a prediction for each row in the dataset.

You’ll know that the model is accurate when the error rate for the training and test dataset is low, which means the model has learned the dataset’s underlying trends and patterns.

Cross Validation

While split validation can be effective for developing models using existing data, question marks naturally arise over whether the model can remain accurate when used on new data.

Rather than split the data into two segments (one for training and one for testing), you can implement what’s called cross validation.

#Cross_validation maximizes the availability of training data by splitting data into various combinations and testing each specific combination.

K-Fold Validation

Figure 14: k-fold validation

This method, though, is slower because the training process is multiplied by the number of validation sets.

How Much Data Do I Need?

Machine learning works best when your training dataset includes a full range of feature combinations.

At an absolute minimum, a basic machine learning model should contain ten times as many data points as the total number of features.

There is a natural diminishing rate of return after an adequate volume of training data (that’s widely representative of the problem) has been reached.

Neural networks require even more samples to run effectively and are more cost-effective and time-efficient for working with massive quantities of data.

Scikit-learn has a cheat sheet for matching algorithms to different datasets at


As the “Hello World” of supervised learning algorithms, regression analysis is a simple technique for predicting an unknown variable using the results you do know.

Using the Seinfeld TV sitcom series as our data, let’s start by plotting the two following variables, with season number as the x coordinate and the number of viewers per season (in millions) as the y coordinate.

The goal of linear regression is to split the data in a way that minimizes the distance between the hyperplane and the observed values.

The Slope

As one variable increases, the other variable will increase by the average value denoted by the hyperplane.

Linear Regression Formula

$y = bx + a$

Calculation Example

$$ \begin{align*} a &= \frac {(\sum y) (\sum x^2) - (\sum y) (\sum xy)} {n(\sum x^2) - (\sum x)^2} \ \ b &= \frac {n(\sum xy) - (\sum x) (\sum y)} {n(\sum x^2) - (\sum x)^2} \end{align*} $$  Where:  - $\sum x$ = Total sum of all x values (1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3 = 11)  - $\sum y$ = Total sum of all y values (3 + 4 + 2 + 7 + 5 = 21)  - $\sum xy$ = Total sum of xy for each row (3 + 8 + 2 + 28 + 15 = 56)  - $\sum x^2$ = Total sum of xx for each row (1 + 4 + 1 + 16 + 9 = 31)  - $n$ = Total number of rows. In the case of this example, n is equal to 5.

$y_i = b(x_i) + a = 1.441 (x_i) + 1.029$

Multiple Linear Regression

The y-intercept is still expressed as a, but now there are multiple independent variables (represented as x1, x2, x3, etc.) each with their own respective coefficient (b1, b2, b3, etc).

Discrete Variables

The output (dependent variable) of linear regression must be continuous in the form of a floating-point or integer

The input (independent variables) can be continuous or categorical.

For categorical variables, i.e. gender, these variables must be expressed numerically using one-hot encoding

Variable Selection

On the one hand, adding more variables helps to account for more potential factors that control patterns in the data.

On the other hand, this rationale only holds if the variables are relevant and possess some correlation/linear relationship with the dependent variable.

In multiple linear regression, not only are the independent variables potentially related to the dependent variable, but they are also potentially related to each other.

If a strong linear correlation exists between two independent variables, this can lead to a problem called #multi-collinearity.


When two independent variables are strongly correlated, they have a tendency to cancel each other out and provide the model with little to no unique information.

Example of two multi-collinear variables are liters of fuel consumed and liters of fuel in the tank to predict how far a jet plane will fly. In this case negatively correlated; as one variables increases, the other variable decreases and vice versa.

To avoid multi-collinearity, we need to check the relationship between each combination of independent variables using a scatterplot, pairplot (a matrix of relationships between variables), or correlation score.

We can also use a pairplot, heatmap or correlation score to check if the independent variables are correlated to the dependent variable (and therefore relevant to the prediction outcome).


Using multiple linear regression, your task is to create a model to predict the tip amount guests will leave the restaurant when paying for their meal.

  1. The dependent variable for this model should be which variable?
    • A size
    • B total_bill and tip
    • C total_bill
    • D tip
  2. From looking only at the data preview above, which variable(s) appear to have a linear relationship with total_bill?
    • A smoker
    • B total_bill and size
    • C time
    • D sex
  3. It’s important for the independent variables to be strongly correlated with the dependent variable and one or more of the other independent variables.
    • True or False?
Ans{D, tip}, {B, total_bill & size}, {false}


Linear regression is useful for quantifying relationships between variables to predict a continuous outcome. Total bill and size (number of guests) are both examples of continuous variables.

However, what if we want to predict a categorical variable such as “new customer” or “returning customer”? Unlike linear regression, the dependent variable (y) is no longer a continuous variable (such as total tip) but rather a discrete categorical variable.

Logistic regression is still a supervised learning technique but produces a qualitative prediction rather than a quantitative prediction. This algorithm is often used to predict two discrete classes, e.g., pregnant or not pregnant.

Using the sigmoid function, logistic regression finds the probability of independent variables (X) producing a discrete dependent variable (y) such as “spam” or “non-spam.”

$$\begin{align*} y = \frac {1}{1 + e^{-x}} \end{align*} $$ Where:

Sigmoid Function

The #sigmoid_function produces an S-shaped curve that can convert any number and map it into a numerical value between 0 and 1 but without ever reaching those exact limits. Applying this formula, the sigmoid function converts independent variables into an expression of probability between 0 and 1 in relation to the dependent variable.

Based on the found probabilities of the independent variables, logistic regression assigns each data point to a discrete class.

Although logistic regression shares a visual resemblance to linear regression, the logistic hyperplane represents a classification/decision boundary rather than a prediction trendline. Instead of using the hyperplane to make numeric predictions, the hyperplane is used to divide the dataset into classes.

The other distinction between logistic and linear regression is that the dependent variable (y) isn’t placed along the y-axis in logistic regression. Instead, independent variables can be plotted along both axes, and the class (output) of the dependent variable is determined by the position of the data point in relation to the decision boundary.

Multinomial Logistic Regression

For classification scenarios with more than two possible discrete outcomes, multinomial logistic regression can be used

Figure 25: An example of multinomial logistic regression

Two tips to remember when using logistic regression are that

  1. the dataset should be free of missing values
  2. that all independent variables are independent and not strongly correlated with each other.

Statistics 101: Logistic Regression, An Introduction - YouTube


Using logistic regression, your task is to classify penguins into different classes based on the following dataset.

1. Which three variables (in their current form) could we use as the dependent variable to classify penguins?   2. Which row(s) contains missing values?   3. Which variable in the dataset preview is binary?

Ans 1. species, island, sex 2. 3,8,9 3. sex


#k-NN classifies new data points based on their position to nearby data points. Similar to a voting system

Five is the default number of neighbors for this algorithm using Scikit-learn.

This algorithm works best with continuous variables.

While k-NN is generally accurate and easy to comprehend, storing an entire dataset and calculating the distance between each new data point and all existing data points puts a heavy burden on computing resources. NN is generally not recommended for analyzing large datasets.

Another downside is that it can be challenging to apply k-NN to high-dimensional data with a high number of features.


Classify penguins into different species using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm, with k set to 5 (neighbors).

  1. Which of the following variables should we consider removing from our k-NN model?
    • A. sex
    • B. species
    • C. body_mass_g
    • D. bill_depth_mm
  2. If we wanted to reduce the processing time of our model, which of the following methods is recommended?
    • A. Increase k from 5 to 10
    • B. Reduce k from 10 to 5
    • C. Re-run the model and hope for a faster result
    • D. Increase the size of the training data
  3. To include the variable ‘sex’ in our model, which data scrubbing technique do we need to use?
  • 1. A, sex (Binary variables should only be used when critical to the model’s accuracy.)  
  • 2. B, Reduce k from 10 to 5  
  • 3. One-hot encoding (to convert the variable into a numerical identifier of 0 or 1)

    #k-means_clustering is grouping or clustering data points that share similar attributes using unsupervised learning.

    An online business, for example, wants to examine a segment of customers that purchase at the same time of the year and discern what factors influence their purchasing behavior.

    As an unsupervised learning algorithm, k-means clustering attempts to divide data into k number of discrete groups and is highly effective at uncovering new patterns.

    Setting k

    In general, as k increases, clusters become smaller and variance falls. However, the downside is that neighboring clusters become less distinct from one another as k increases.

    If you set k to the same number of data points in your dataset, each data point automatically becomes a standalone cluster.

    In order to optimize k, you may wish to use a scree plot for guidance.

    Scree Plot

    #Scree_plot charts the degree of scattering (variance) inside a cluster as the total number of clusters increases.

    A scree plot compares the Sum of Squared Error #SSE for each variation of total clusters.

    In general, you should opt for a cluster solution where SSE subsides dramatically to the left on the scree plot but before it reaches a point of negligible change with cluster variations to its right.

    Another useful technique to decide the number of cluster solutions is to divide the total number of data points (n) by two and finding the square root $\sqrt(n/2)$.

    A more simple and non-mathematical approach to setting k is to apply domain knowledge.

    e.g. If I am analyzing data about visitors to the website. Because I already know there is a significant discrepancy in spending behavior between returning visitors and new visitors. But understand that the effectiveness of “domain knowledge” diminishes dramatically past a low number of k clusters.

    Domain knowledge might be sufficient for determining two to four clusters but less valuable when choosing between a higher number of clusters, such as 20 or 21 clusters.


    Your task is to group the flights dataset (which tracks flights from 1949 to 1960) into discrete clusters using k-means clustering.

    1. Using k-means clustering to analyze all 3 variables, what might be a good initial number of k clusters (using only domain/general knowledge) to train the model?
    1. What mathematical technique might we use to find the appropriate number of clusters?
    1. Which variable requires data scrubbing?
  • 12 (months)
  • C (scree plot)
  • month

    Most algorithms have many different hyperparameters also leads to a vast number of potential outcomes.

    Example of hyperparameters in Python for the algorithm gradient boosting

    model = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=150,

    A constant challenge in machine learning is navigating underfitting and overfitting, which describe how closely your model follows the actual patterns of the data.


    #Bias refers to the gap between the value predicted by your model and the actual value of the data.

    In the case of high bias, your predictions are likely to be skewed in a particular direction away from the true values.


    #Variance describes how scattered your predicted values are in relation to each other.

    Prediction Error

    Ideally, you want a situation where there’s both low variance and low bias. In reality, however, there’s a trade-off between optimal bias and optimal variance. Bias and variance both contribute to error but it’s the prediction error that you want to minimize, not the bias or variance specifically.

    In Figure 39, we can see two curves. The upper curve represents the test data, and the lower curve depicts the training data. From the left, both curves begin at a point of high prediction error due to low variance and high bias. As they move toward the right, they change to the opposite: high variance and low bias.

    Underfitting / Overfitting

    The model being overly simple and inflexible (underfitting) or overly complex and flexible (overfitting). #Underfitting (low variance, high bias) on the left and #overfitting (high variance, low bias) on the right are shown in these two scatterplots.

    A natural temptation is to add complexity to the model (as shown on the right) to improve accuracy, but this can, in turn, lead to overfitting.

    Underfitting is when your model is overly simple, and again, has not scratched the surface of the underlying patterns in the data.

    An advanced strategy to combat overfitting is to introduce regularization, which reduces the risk of overfitting by constraining the model to make it simpler.

    One other technique to improve model accuracy is to perform cross validation, as covered earlier in Chapter 6, to minimize pattern discrepancies between the training data and the test data.


    #SVM is mostly used as a classification technique for predicting categorical outcomes.

    SVM is similar to logistic regression, in that it’s used to filter data into a binary or multiclass target variable.

    Figure 43: Mitigating anomalies.

    A limitation of standard logistic regression is that it goes out of its way to fit outliers and anomalies. SVM, however, is less sensitive to such data points and actually minimizes their impact on the final location of the boundary line.

    The SVM boundary can also be modified to ignore misclassified cases in the training data using a hyperparameter called C.

    There is therefore a trade-off in SVM between a wide margin/more mistakes and a narrow margin/fewer mistakes. Adding flexibility to the model using the hyperparameter C introduces what’s called a “soft margin,” which ignores a determined portion of cases that cross over the soft margin—leading to greater generalization in the model.

    SVM’s real strength lies with high-dimensional data and handling multiple features. SVM has numerous advanced variations available to classify high-dimensional data using what’s called the Kernel Trick.

    SVM does, though, excel at untangling outliers from complex small and medium-sized datasets and managing high-dimensional data.


    Using an SVM classifier, your task is to classify which island a penguin has come from after arriving on your own island.

    1. Which of the following variables would be the dependent variable for this model?
    1. Which of the following variables could we use as independent variable(s)?
    1. What are two data scrubbing techniques commonly used with this algorithm?
  • A. island
  • C. All except island
  • regularization and standardization

    #ANN (#Artificial_Neural_Network) is analyzing data through a network of decision layers.

    The naming of this technique was inspired by the algorithm’s structural resemblance to the human brain.

    Artificial neural networks consist of interconnected decision functions, known as nodes, which interact with each other through axon-like edges.

    Each edge in the network has a numeric weight that can be altered based on experience. The sum of the connected edges satisfies a set threshold, known as the activation function, this activates a neuron at the next layer.

    Using supervised learning, the model’s predicted output is compared to the actual output (that’s known to be correct), and the difference between these two results is measured as the cost or cost value. The purpose of training is to reduce the cost value until the model’s prediction closely matches the correct output.

    This is achieved by incrementally tweaking the network’s weights until the lowest possible cost value is obtained. This particular process of training the neural network is called #back-propagation.

    The Black-box Dilemma

    Although the network can approximate accurate outputs, tracing its decision structure reveals limited to no insight into how specific variables influence its decision.

    For instance, if we use a neural network to predict the outcome of a Kickstarter campaign (an online funding platform for creative projects), the network can analyze numerous independent variables including campaign category, currency, deadline, and minimum pledge amount, etc.

    However, the model is unable to specify the relationship of these independent variables to the dependent variable of the campaign reaching its funding target.

    Moreover, it’s possible for two neural networks with different topologies and weights to produce the same output, which makes it even more challenging to trace the impact of specific variables

    Neural networks generally fit prediction tasks with a large number of input features and complex patterns, especially problems that are difficult for computers to decipher but simple and almost trivial for humans.

    In both examples, obtaining a fast and accurate prediction is more important than decoding the specific variables and their relationship to the final output.

    Building a Neural Network

    A typical neural network can be divided into input, hidden, and output layers.

    While there are many techniques to assemble the nodes of a neural network, the simplest method is the feed-forward network where signals flow only in one direction and there’s no loop in the network.


    The most basic form of a feed-forward neural network is the #perceptron

    Next, we multiply each weight by its input:

    A weakness of a perceptron is that because the output is binary (0 or 1), small changes in the weights or bias in any single perceptron within a larger neural network can induce polarizing results.

    Sigmoid Neuron

    An alternative to the perceptron is the sigmoid neuron. Similar to a perceptron, but the presence of a #sigmoid_function rather than a binary filter

    While more flexible than a perceptron, a sigmoid neuron is unable to generate negative values.

    Hyperbolic Tangent Function

    Third option is the #hyperbolic_tangent_function.

    Multilayer Perceptrons

    #multilayer_perceptron is an algorithm for predicting a categorical (classification) or continuous (regression) target variable. Powerful because they aggregate multiple models into a unified prediction model

    Ideal for interpreting large and complex datasets with no time or computational restraints. Less compute-intensive algorithms, such as decision trees and logistic regression, for example, are more efficient for working with smaller datasets.

    Deep Learning

    As patterns in the data become more complicated—especially a shallow model is no longer reliable or capable of sophisticated analysis because the model becomes exponentially complicated as the number of inputs increases.

    A #neural_network, with a deep number of layers, though, can be used to interpret a high number of input features and break down complex patterns into simpler patterns, as shown in Figure 55.

    What makes deep learning “deep” is the stacking of at least 5-10 node layers.

    Object recognition, as used by self-driving cars to recognize objects such as pedestrians and other vehicles, uses upward of 150 layers and is a popular application of deep learning.

    Multilayer perceptrons (MLP) have largely been superseded by new deep learning techniques such as #convolution_networks, #recurrent_networks, #deep_belief_networks, and #recursive_neural_tensor_networks (RNTN).


    Using a multilayer perceptron, your job is to create a model to classify the gender sex) of penguins that have been affected and rescued during a natural disaster. However, you can only use the physical attributes of penguins to train your model.

    1. How many output nodes does the multilayer perceptron need to predict the dependent variable of sex (gender)?

    2. Which of the seven variables could we use as independent variables based on only the penguin’s physical attributes?

    3. Which is a more transparent classification algorithm that we could use in replace of a multilayer perceptron?

  • 2 (male/female)
  • 4: bill length, bill depth, flipper length, body mass
  • B. Logistic Regression

    Downsides of Neural Neworks:

    Decision trees, on the other hand, are transparent and easy to interpret. They work with less data and consume less computational resources.

    #Decision_trees are used primarily for solving classification problems but can also be used as a regression model to predict numeric outcomes.

    Building a Decision Tree

    Black = Promoted, White = Not Promoted

    Calculating Entropy

    $(-p_1 logp_1 - p_2 logp_2) / log2$

    Exceeded KPI generates the "perfect classification (0)", followed by Age.


    The variable used to first split the data does not guarantee the most accurate model at the end of production.

    Thus, although decision trees are highly visual and effective at classifying a single set of data, they are also inflexible and vulnerable to overfitting, especially for datasets with high pattern variance.


    Involves growing multiple decision trees using a randomized selection of input data for each tree and combining the results by averaging the output (for regression) or voting (for classification).

    Random Forests

    Artificially limit the choice of variables by capping the number of variables considered for each split.

    Scott Hartshorn advises focusing on optimizing other hyperparameters before adding more trees to the initial model, as this will reduce processing time in the short term and increasing the number of trees later should

    Other techniques including gradient boosting tend to return superior prediction accuracy.

    Random forests, though, are fast to train and work well for obtaining a quick benchmark model.

    (Gradient) Boosting

    Boosting is combining “weak” models into one “strong” model. This is achieved by adding weights to trees based on misclassified cases in the previous tree.

    One of the more popular boosting algorithms is gradient boosting. Rather than selecting combinations of variables at random, gradient boosting selects variables that improve prediction accuracy with each new tree.

    Boosting also mitigates the issue of overfitting and it does so using fewer trees than random forests.

    While adding more trees to a random forest usually helps to offset overfitting, the same process can cause overfitting in the case of boosting.

    Overfitting can be explained by their highly-tuned focus on learning and reiterating from earlier mistakes. It can lead to mixed results in the case of data stretched by a high number of outliers.

    The other main downside of boosting is the slow processing speed that comes with training a sequential decision model.


    Your task is to predict the body mass (body_mass_g) of penguins using the penguin dataset and the random forests algorithm.

    1. Which variables could we use as independent variables to train our model?
    2. To train a quick benchmark model, gradient boosting is faster to train than random forests.
      • True or False?
    3. Which tree-based technique can be easily visualized?
      • A. Decision trees
      • B. Gradient boosting
      • C. Random forests
  • All variables except for body_mass_g (Tree-based techniques work well with both discrete and continuous variables as input variables.)
  • False (Gradient boosting runs sequentially, making it slower to train. A random forest is trained simultaneously, making it faster to train.)
  • A, Decision trees

    By combining the output of different models (instead of relying on a single estimate), ensemble modeling helps to build a consensus on the meaning of the data.

    In the case of classification, multiple models are consolidated into a single prediction using a voting system. It can also be divided into sequential or parallel and homogenous or heterogeneous.

    Sequential and Parallel Models

    For #sequential_models, the prediction error is reduced by adding weights to classifiers that previously misclassified data.

    #Parallel_ensemble_models work concurrently and reduce error by averaging.

    It’s important to select techniques that complement each other.

    There are four main methods: bagging, boosting, a bucket of models, and stacking.

    Bucket of Models

    Bucket of models trains multiple different algorithmic models using the same training data and then picks the one that performed most accurately on the test data.


    Bagging, as we know, is an example of parallel model averaging using a homogenous ensemble, which draws upon randomly drawn data and combines predictions to design a unified model.


    Boosting is a popular alternative technique that is still a homogenous ensemble but addresses errors and data misclassified by the previous iteration to produce a sequential model.


    Stacking runs multiple models simultaneously on the data and combines those results to produce a final model.

    Unlike boosting and bagging, stacking usually combines outputs from different algorithms (heterogenous) rather than altering the hyperparameters of the same algorithm (homogenous).

    The gains of using a stacking technique are marginal in line with the level of complexity, and organizations usually opt for the ease and efficiency of boosting or bagging.

    The #Netflix_Prize_competition, held between 2006 and 2009, offered a prize for a machine learning model that could significantly improve Netflix’s content recommender system. One of the winning techniques, from the team BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos, adopted a form of linear stacking that blended predictions from hundreds of different models using different algorithms.




    The Melbourne_housing_FULL dataset can be downloaded from this link:

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv('~/Downloads/Melbourne_housing_FULL.csv')  # load into dataframe
    df.head()     # preview the dataframe
    df.iloc[100]  # row 101
    df.columns    # headers


    import pandas as pd 
    from sklearn.model_selection  import train_test_split 
    from sklearn                  import ensemble 
    from sklearn.metrics          import mean_absolute_error
    df = pd.read_csv('~/Downloads/Melbourne_housing_FULL.csv')  # load data into dataframe
    # Data Scrubbbing: remove unnecessary data
    # The misspellings of “longitude” and “latitude” are preserved here 
    # The remaining eleven independent variables from the dataset are Suburb, Rooms,
    # Type, Distance, Bedroom2, Bathroom, Car, Landsize, BuildingArea, YearBuilt, and
    # CouncilArea.
    del df['Address']; del df['Method']; del df['SellerG']; del df['Date']; del df['Postcode']; del df['Lattitude']; del df['Longtitude']; del df['Regionname']; del df['Propertycount'];
    # The twelfth variable is the dependent variable which is Price.
    # remove rows with missing values
    df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any', subset = None, inplace = True)   
    # one-hot encoFing
    df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns = ['Suburb', 'CouncilArea', 'Type'])
    # Assign 'Price' as (dependent) Y, others are independent X  
    y = df['Price']
    X = df.drop('Price',axis=1) 
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, shuffle = True)
    # Assign our chosen algorithm (gradient boosting regressor) 
    # as a new variable (model) 
    # and configure its hyperparameters
    model = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 150,  # No. decision trees
    										   learning_rate = 0.1, # influence of new trees    
    										   max_depth = 30,      # max layers
    										   min_samples_split = 4, # min samples to split
    										   min_samples_leaf = 6, # min samples per leaf
    										   max_features = 0.6,   # number features to split
    										   loss = 'huber' )     # 
    # The first line is the algorithm itself (gradient boosting)
    # n_estimators states the number of decision trees.
    #     a high number of trees generally improves accuracy (up to a certain point) 
    #     but will inevitably extend the model’s processing time.
    # learning_rate controls the rate at which additional decision trees influence the overall prediction.
    #     Inserting a low rate here, such as 0.1, should help to improve accuracy.
    # max_depth defines the maximum number of layers (depth) for each decision tree.
    #     If “None” is selected, then nodes expand until all leaves are pure 
    #     or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_leaf.
    # min_samples_split defines the minimum samples required to execute a new binary split.
    # min_samples_leaf represents the minimum samples that must appear in each child node (leaf) before a new branch can be implemented.
    # max_features is the total number of features presented to the model when determining the best split.
    # loss calculates the model's error rate.
    # we are using huber which protects against outliers and anomalies.
    # Alternative error rate options include ls (least squares regression), lad (least absolute deviations), and quantile (quantile regression).
    # fit() function from Scikit-learn to link the training data to the learning algorithm stored in the variable model to train the prediction model., y_train)
    # predict() function from Scikit-learn to run the model on the X_train data and evaluate its performance against the actual y_train data.
    mae_train = mean_absolute_error(y_train, model.predict(X_train)) 
    print ("Training Set Mean Absolute Error: %.2f" % mae_train)
    mae_test = mean_absolute_error(y_test, model.predict(X_test)) 
    print ("Test Set Mean Absolute Error: %.2f" % mae_test)
    # output:
    # Training Set Mean Absolute Error: 27256.70  
    # Test Set Mean Absolute Error: 166103.04

    For this model, our training set’s mean absolute error is $27,256.70, and the test set’s mean absolute error is $166,103.04.

    mini course at ^minicourse


    We want to improve its prediction accuracy with future data and reduce the effects of overfitting.

    Modify Hyperparameters

    Starting point is to modify the model’s hyperparameters.

    More Trees

    Another step to optimize the model is to add more trees. If we set n_estimators = $250$. This second optimization reduces the training set’s absolute error rate by approximately $10,000

    While manual trial and error can be a useful technique to understand the impact of variable selection and hyperparameters, there are also automated techniques for model optimization, such as grid search.

    Grid search allows you to list a range of configurations you wish to test for each hyperparameter and methodically test each

    Grid search does take a long time to run! It sometimes helps to run a relatively coarse grid search using consecutive powers of 10 (i.e. 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10) and then run a finer grid search around the best value identified.

    Randomized Search Method

    Another way of optimizing algorithm hyperparameters is the randomized search method using Scikit-learn’s RandomizedSearchCV.

    Code for the Optimized Model

    Melbourne_housing_FULL dataset

    # pip install pandas scikit-learn
    import pandas as pd 
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
    from sklearn import ensemble 
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error 
    # Read in CSV 
    df = pd.read_csv('') 
    print("Found ", len(df), "rows prior to scrubbing")
    # drop unneeded columns
    df = df.drop(['Address', 'Method', 'SellerG', 'Date', 'Postcode', 'Regionname', 'Propertycount'], axis=1)
    # Remove rows with missing values 
    df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any', subset = None, inplace = True) 
    # Convert non-numeric data using one-hot encoding 
    df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns = ['Suburb', 'CouncilArea', 'Type']) 
    # print number of rows
    print("\n-----\n\nFound ", len(df), "rows after scrubbing")
    # Assign X and y variables 
    X = df.drop('Price',axis=1) 
    y = df['Price'] 
    # Split data into test/train set (70/30 split) and shuffle 
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, shuffle = True) 
    # Set up algorithm 
    model = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 250,
    										   learning_rate = 0.1,
    										   max_depth = 5,
    										   min_samples_split = 10,
    										   min_samples_leaf = 6,
    										   max_features = 0.6,
    										   loss = 'huber' ) 
    # Run model on training data, y_train)
    # Check model accuracy (up to two decimal places) 
    mae_train = mean_absolute_error(y_train, model.predict(X_train)) 
    print ("Training Set Mean Absolute Error: %.2f" % mae_train) 
    mae_test = mean_absolute_error(y_test, model.predict(X_test)) 
    print ("Test Set Mean Absolute Error: %.2f" % mae_test)

    Code for Grid Search Model

    # Import libraries, including GridSearchCV 
    import pandas as pd 
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
    from sklearn import ensemble 
    from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error 
    from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
    # Read in data from CSV 
    df = pd.read_csv('~/Downloads/Melbourne_housing_FULL.csv')
    # Delete unneeded columns 
    # **TODO**: This doesn't work
    del df['Address']; del df['Method']; del df['SellerG']; del df['Date']; del df['Postcode']; del df['Lattitude']; del df['Longtitude']; del df['Regionname'] ; del df['Propertycount']
    # Remove rows with missing values 
    df.dropna(axis = 0, how = 'any', subset = None, inplace = True)
    # Convert non-numeric data using one-hot encoding 
    df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns = ['Suburb', 'CouncilArea', 'Type'])
    # Assign X and y variables 
    X = df.drop('Price',axis=1) 
    y = df['Price']
    # Split data into test/train set (70/30 split) and shuffle 
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, shuffle = True)
    # Input algorithm  
    model = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor() 
    # Set the configurations that you wish to test. To minimize processing time, limit num. of variables or experiment on each hyperparameter separately.  
    hyperparameters = { 'n_estimators': [200, 300], 
    				   'max_depth': [6, 8],
    				   'min_samples_split': [8, 10],      
    				   'min_samples_leaf': [5, 6],      
    				   'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.02],     
    				   'max_features': [0.8, 0.9],      
    				   'loss': ['ls', 'lad',  'huber']
    # Define grid search. Run with four CPUs in parallel if applicable.  
    grid = GridSearchCV(model, hyperparameters, n_jobs = 4)  
    # Run grid search on training data, y_train)  
    # Return optimal hyperparameters  
    # Check model accuracy using optimal hyperparameters 
    mae_train = mean_absolute_error(y_train, grid.predict(X_train))  
    print ("Training Set Mean Absolute Error: %.2f" % mae_train)  
    mae_test = mean_absolute_error(y_test, grid.predict(X_test))  
    print ("Test Set Mean Absolute Error: %.2f" % mae_test)

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